The 'Torchum' Never Stops

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From: Vladimir Sovetov
  Of course, it is a perverted version of ZOOT ALLURES The Torture Never Stops. So check the N&C on origianl song fisrt.
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Uh-oh! I smells trubba!
He be messin' wit pigmeat heahhh!
Muthafucker be rejectin' some CO-LOG- NUH directly
into de
DUO-DEENUM of de unsuspecting victim!
Now he gone see if he immune to it by eatin' a dab hisseff!
  So was named the first secton of LUMPY GRAVY, Part.1
From: (Charles Ulrich)
  This is what's known as a conceptual continuity clue. Note that there are (at least) two different ways to pronounce the word "duodenum". In Thing-Fish it's stressed on the first and third syllables. In 200 Motels (sorry, I can't name the track off the top of my head), it's stressed on the second syllable. The Lumpy Gravy theme is obviously named based on the 200 Motels pronunciation.
From: Vladimir Sovetov
  Hey, Charles, can you name the mystery track now?
From: Charles Ulrich <>
  I'm not sure whether it made it into the movie or onto the soundtrack. But I know FZ discusses the lyrics in The True Story Of 200 Motels. It's either "The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth" or something related to it.
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I'll say it's disgusting, atrocious, and dull
I'll say it makes boils inside of your skull
I'll say it's the worst-of-the-worst of the year,
No wind down the plain, and it's hard on your ear
I'll say it's the work of an infantile mind
I'll say that it's tasteless, and that you will find
A better excuse to spend money or time
At a
Tupper-Ware Party,
So, do be a smarty!
From: Vladimir Sovetov <>
  Producer of tableware that salesfolks sell by having people come to their home, going door-to-door or presenting products at home parties. This notorious market strategy called direct selling and used along with Tupper Ware also by Mary Kay, Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and Encyclopedia Britannica.
From: Charles Ulrich <>
At a Tupper-Ware Party,
So, do be a smarty!
  These two lines seem to allude to the song "Springtime For Hitler" in Mel Brooks' film The Producers (1968), specifically to the couplet "Don't be stupid; be a smarty/Come and join the Nazi Party."
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From: Patrick Neve <>
  Pitter-patter in this case refers to chatty stage talk. Prattle. Chit-chat.

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